Research in developmental psychology suggests that self-concept formation and mentalizing capacities, along with their neural …

Mitigating climate change requires mass behavior change. However, individuals may fail to act because they perceive climate change as a …

Objectives: Conversations shape health behaviors. However, individuals vary in susceptibility to conversational influence and in their …

Negativity captures attention and motivates people to read and share news. However, negative messaging can harm mental health, bias and …

Information sharing influences which messages spread and shape beliefs, behavior, and culture. In a preregistered neuroimaging study …

Well-informed individual and collective decision-making is aided by access to high-quality, factual information. What motivates people …

The present study investigated between-person differences in daily positive emotion dynamics and their associations with flourishing …

Background and aim: We examined error-driven learning in fMRI activity of 217 subjects in a stop signal task to obtain a more robust …

Psychological health and well-being have important implications for individual and societal thriving. Research underscores the …

Evidence on the harms and benefits of social media use is mixed, in part because the effects of social media on well-being depend on a …


This tutorial was presented at the University of Oregon Developmental Seminar, May 3, 2019. The repository can be found at: …

I was inspired by these amazing examples of specification curves by Julia Rohrer and Amy Orben, so I wrote some code to generate a …

This tutorial was created by Dani Cosme and Sam Chavez as part of PSY 607: Data Science Seminar at the University of Oregon. The …