Here are a number of helpful resources to dig deeper into quantitative analysis:
UO boot camp modules
Stats resources
Cheat sheets
Modify the path as needed to where your week4_data.csv
file is downloaded. Note, my path is a little different, but for you, it should be in the data/
directory in the same folder as this script.
Import the csv file and assign it to the variable data
In week 4, we did most of these steps independently. Here, we’ll use %>%
to thread the processes together without assigning any intermediate variables.
The key variables we’ll be working with today are as follows:
: voted in 2020; single dichotomous item, yes or noCE_attitudes
: civic engagement attitudes; 8-item scale with range 1-7CE_checklist
: checklist of civic engagement activities; 17 dichotomous items, yes or nopol_eff
: political efficacy scale; 4-item scale with range 1-4reasons_yes
: checklist of reasons why people voted in 2020data_tidy = data %>%
# filter out test and incomplete responses
filter(!DistributionChannel == "preview") %>%
filter(Finished == 1 & consent == 1) %>%
# select a subset of variables
select(ResponseId, behavior_voting, reasons_yes,
starts_with("CE_attitudes"), contains("checklist"), contains("pol_eff")) %>%
# convert to long format
pivot_longer(cols = -c(ResponseId, behavior_voting, reasons_yes), names_to = "scale_name") %>%
# extract item number from scale_name
extract(col = "scale_name", into = c("scale_name", "item"),
regex = "(CE_attitudes|CE_checklist|pol_eff)_([0-9]+)") %>%
# convert responses to numeric and recode response values
mutate(value = as.numeric(value),
value = ifelse(test = scale_name == "CE_checklist" & value == 2,
yes = 0,
no = value),
behavior_voting = recode(behavior_voting,
"1" = "yes",
"2" = "no")) %>%
# calculate scale means or sums for each participant
group_by(ResponseId, scale_name) %>%
mutate(summarized_value = ifelse(test = scale_name == "CE_checklist",
yes = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE),
no = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
# remove the item and value columns
select(-item, -value) %>%
# remove repeated observations (rows)
Let’s check out what the tidied data look like
Descriptive stats describe different properties of the data. Here, we’ll focus on the following properties:
Right now the data are in the long format. If we want to know the number of people who completed the survey, we have two options.
We can convert it to the wide format using pivot_wider()
and nrow
()` as follows:
## [1] 166
Or, we can use summarize()
to count the number of observation for each scale_name
variable with the n()
to get the size of each group
Let’s say we wanted to know the number of people who selected each reason for voting. We’ll use code from week 5 to tidy the data to be in the long format using the following code
reason_text = read_csv(here("static", "labs", "data", "week4_data_reasons.csv"))
data_reasons = data_tidy %>%
# select relevant variables
ungroup() %>%
select(ResponseId, reasons_yes) %>%
# split the selected responses and convert to a single row per response
mutate(reasons_yes = strsplit(gsub("[][\"]", "", reasons_yes), ",")) %>%
unnest(reasons_yes) %>%
# convert to numeric to facilitate joining
mutate(reasons_yes = as.numeric(reasons_yes)) %>%
# join with text
left_join(., reason_text, by = "reasons_yes") %>%
# remove missing responses and "other" responses
filter(! & !text == "Other") %>%
# get unique responses
Take a look at the data
Next, we’ll use similar code as above to group by the text
column and calculate the group size (count) for each reason
Right now the output is in alphabetical order by the text column. Let’s order by the count number using arrange()
To change the order from ascending to descending, apply the desc()
function to count
Instead of counts, let’s change this to be the percent of people who endorsed each reason.
We’ll do this by dividing the count by the total number of observations. We’ll use the same code as before to get the number of observations, but this time save it as a variable we can use with summarize()
n_observations = data_tidy %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = scale_name, values_from = summarized_value) %>%
data_reasons %>%
group_by(text) %>%
summarize(count = n(),
percent = (count / n_observations) * 100)
If we want to remove the count column, we can do this with select()
data_reasons %>%
group_by(text) %>%
summarize(count = n(),
percent = (count / n_observations) * 100) %>%
To add a %
after the value in the percent column, we can use sprintf()
as follows
data_reasons %>%
group_by(text) %>%
summarize(count = n(),
percent = (count / n_observations) * 100) %>%
select(-count) %>%
mutate(percent = sprintf("%s%s", percent, "%"))
Way too many decimal points!
Instead of using %s
, we can specify the placeholder as a digit with 1 decimal point by using %.1f
data_reasons %>%
group_by(text) %>%
summarize(count = n(),
percent = (count / n_observations) * 100) %>%
select(-count) %>%
mutate(percent = sprintf("%.1f%s", percent, "%"))
Next, turn back to our questionnaires in data_tidy
and look at some statistics summarizing the average across participants for each scale
First, let’s look at the mean across participants
Next, let’s look at the median
Finally, let’s calculate the mode
Hmm that’s not what we want. Looks like we need to either write our own function to calculate that, or use a function that someone else has written and shared in a library.
We’ll use the Mode()
function from {DescTools}
(thanks stackoverflow!)
pacman::p_load("DescTools", install = TRUE)
data_tidy %>%
group_by(scale_name) %>%
summarize(mode = Mode(summarized_value))
To understand what each of these stats are telling us about the central tendency, let’s plot the data.
First, we’ll save those summary stats in central_tendencies
so that we can plot as a layer on top of the density plot we created in week 5. We need to have the same x-axis with the data in long format, so we’ll use pivot_longer()
to do that
central_tendencies = data_tidy %>%
group_by(scale_name) %>%
summarize(mean = mean(summarized_value, na.rm = TRUE),
median = median(summarized_value, na.rm = TRUE),
mode = Mode(summarized_value)) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(mean, median, mode),
names_to = "stat")
data_tidy %>%
ggplot(aes(x = summarized_value)) +
geom_density(aes(fill = scale_name), alpha = .5, show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_vline(data = central_tendencies,
aes(xintercept = value,
linetype = stat)) +
facet_grid(~scale_name, scales = "free") +
theme(legend.position = "top")
Let’s check the range of values for each scale using range()
## [1] 0 15
Let’s add a column to specify the min and max values, and then pivot to the wider format
data_tidy %>%
group_by(scale_name) %>%
summarize(range = range(summarized_value)) %>%
bind_cols(value = rep(c("min", "max"), 3)) %>%
spread(value, range)
We want to make inferences about the population and we do that by sampling from the population.
This section of Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration for Undergraduates: 1st Edition With Applications in R provides some helpful background since we don’t have space to go into too much detail here.
Let’s do a little simulation to learn about how sample size affects the sampling distribution.
We’re going to sample (with different sample sizes) from a uniform distribution, so we know that the true mean of the population = 0.5.
For each sample, we’ll calculate the mean, and repeat this 10,000 times and look at the different distributions this creates.
# set the parameters
iter = 10000
sample_size = c(2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400)
# create an empty matrix
sample_means = matrix(NA, nrow=iter, ncol=length(sample_size))
# run the simulation
for (a in 1:length(sample_size)) {
b = sample_size[a]
for (i in 1:iter) {
sample = runif(b)
sample_mean = mean(sample)
sample_means[i,a] = sample_mean
# reshape data to long format
sample_means =
names(sample_means) = as.character(paste("N =", sample_size))
sample_means_long = sample_means %>%
pivot_longer(cols = everything()) %>%
extract(name, "order", "N = (.*)", remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate(order = as.numeric(order))
# plot data
ggplot(sample_means_long, aes(value)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1/100) +
facet_wrap(~reorder(name, order)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(.25, .5, .75)) +
xlab("sample mean") +
labs(title="Sampling Distirbution of Means With Various Sample Sizes")
We can see that we can recover the true mean (0.5) with each of the different sample sizes, but we have way more variability with small sample sizes, than with large ones.
That means, that if we have a small sample size, we may observe a sampling mean that is very different than the mean (e.g. mean = .1 or .9) by chance and if we’re not careful, we might draw the wrong conclusions about the population based on our sample.
A confidence interval is a measure of uncertainty around the sampling mean. It gives us a range of values within which we can expect the means from repeated samples from the population to fall.
Check out this section of the book for more background on confidence intervals.
Here’s how to calculate a 95% confidence interval using the {Rmisc}
data_tidy %>%
group_by(scale_name) %>%
summarize(value = Rmisc::CI(summarized_value, ci = .95)) %>%
bind_cols(stat = rep(c("upper", "mean", "lower"), 3)) %>%
spread(stat, value)
Let’s plot the mean and confidence interval as a bar graph
data_tidy %>%
group_by(scale_name) %>%
summarize(value = Rmisc::CI(summarized_value)) %>%
bind_cols(stat = rep(c("upper", "mean", "lower"), 3)) %>%
spread(stat, value) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = scale_name, y = mean)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper))
We can also do this directly by using stat_summary()
data_tidy %>%
ggplot(aes(x = scale_name, summarized_value)) +
stat_summary(fun = "mean", geom = "bar", position = "dodge") +
stat_summary( = "mean_cl_boot", geom = "errorbar", position = "dodge", width = 0) +
theme(legend.position = "top")
In week 5, we saw that the distributions for civic engagement attitudes looked like they might differ between folks who voted in the 2020 election and those who didn’t.
data_tidy %>%
ggplot(aes(x = summarized_value, fill = behavior_voting)) +
geom_density(alpha = .5, color = NA) +
facet_grid(~scale_name, scale = "free") +
theme(legend.position = "top")
Now, let’s test whether the mean civic engagement attitudes differ by group. First, we’ll plot the means and 95% CIs
data_tidy %>%
filter(scale_name == "CE_attitudes") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = behavior_voting, summarized_value)) +
stat_summary(fun = "mean", geom = "bar", position = position_dodge(.9)) +
stat_summary( = "mean_cl_boot", geom = "errorbar", position = position_dodge(.9),
width = 0) +
theme(legend.position = "top")
Now, let’s statistically test whether the difference between the means is different than 0 using a t-test.
Here’s the relevant section in the book for more background about t-tests
data_tidy %>%
filter(scale_name == "CE_attitudes") %>%
t.test(summarized_value ~ behavior_voting, data = .)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: summarized_value by behavior_voting
## t = -4.2222, df = 20.208, p-value = 0.0004104
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -1.1219400 -0.3802675
## sample estimates:
## mean in group no mean in group yes
## 5.083333 5.834437
Next, we’ll look at how to test relationships between two continuous variables. Let’s look at the relationship between civic engagement attitudes and behaviors. Do people who have strong attitudes also tend to engage in more civic behaviors?
First, we’ll plot the data using a scatterplot
data_tidy %>%
spread(scale_name, summarized_value) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = CE_attitudes, y = CE_checklist)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
theme(legend.position = "top")
Now, we’ll statistically test this relationship by calculating the strength of the correlation between the variables and testing whether that relationship is different than 0
data_spread = data_tidy %>%
spread(scale_name, summarized_value)
cor.test(data_spread$CE_attitudes, data_spread$CE_checklist)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: data_spread$CE_attitudes and data_spread$CE_checklist
## t = 4.1978, df = 164, p-value = 0.00004409
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.1670895 0.4427961
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.3114833
Summarize the mean, median, mode, and number of observations for the three questionnaire scales
Plot the mean and 95% CIs for civic engagement behaviors as a function of voting behavior
Using a t-test, test whether mean civic engagement behavior statistically differ between people who voted and people who didn’t vote
Now, test whether mean political efficacy statistically differs between people who voted and people who didn’t vote
Using a scatterplot, visualize the relationship between civic engagement attitudes and political efficacy (pol_eff
Test the correlation between civic engagement attitudes and political efficacy using the data_spread