Cosme, D.
A Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study of Adolescent Girls’ Mentalizing and Perspective-Taking Tendencies
Behavioral interventions motivate action to address climate change
Brain responses and susceptibility to peer influence on drinking
Emotional framing of news headlines influences engagement, donations, and memory
Neural signals predict information sharing across cultures
Perceived self and social relevance of content motivates news sharing across cultures and topics
Profiles of daily positive emotion dynamics and associations with flourishing
Striatal response to negative feedback in a stop signal task operates as a multi-value learning signal
If you’re happy and you know it: Neural correlates of self-evaluated psychological health and well-being
Frontoparietal functional connectivity moderates the link between time spent on social media and subsequent negative affect in daily life
Cultural influence on COVID-19 cognitions and growth speed: The role of cultural collectivism
Mindful attention to alcohol can reduce cravings in the moment and consumption in daily life
Neural correlates associated with conformity in adolescent and young adult men
Study protocol: Social Health Impact of Network Effects (SHINE) Study
Dense sampling approaches for psychiatry research: Adventures with scanners and smartphones
Psychological distance intervention reminders reduce alcohol consumption frequency in daily life
Alcohol Cue Reactivity in the Ventral Striatum and Daily Purpose in Life Moderate the Relationship between Alcohol Craving and Consumption in College Students
Momentary associations between affect and alcohol use in the daily lives of college students
Mindfulness Promotes Control of Brain Network Dynamics for Self-Regulation and Discontinues the Past from the Present
Message self and social relevance increases intentions to share content: Correlational and causal evidence from six studies
Testing the adolescent social reorientation model during self and other evaluation using hierarchical growth curve modeling with parcellated fMRI data
Purpose in life, loneliness, and protective health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic
Electrophysiological correlates of in-vivo and virtual reality exposure therapy in spider phobia
Associations between use of self-regulatory strategies and daily eating patterns: An experience sampling study in college-aged women
Neural substrates of food valuation and its relationship with BMI and healthy eating in higher BMI individuals
Brain activity associated with regulating food cravings predicts changes in self-reported food craving and consumption over time
Neural indicators of food cue reactivity, regulation, and valuation and their associations with body composition and daily eating behavior
Improving practices and inferences in developmental cognitive neuroscience
Neural correlates of self-evaluation in relation to age and pubertal development in early adolescent girls
Study protocol: Transitions in Adolescent Girls (TAG)
Multivariate neural signatures for health neuroscience: Assessing spontaneous regulation during food choice
Comparing two neurocognitive models of self-control during dietary decisions
Autonomy can support affect regulation during illness and in health
Neural predictors of eating behavior and dietary change
Choosing to regulate: Does choice enhance craving regulation?
Methodological considerations for developmental longitudinal fMRI research
Self-Reported Trait Mindfulness and Affective Reactivity: A Motivational Approach Using Multiple Psychophysiological Measures